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Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

General Information

Everything you need to know about our coverage, pay-outs, claims, premiums and more.

P&O Insurance offers a range of personal and business insurance:​

Private Car 

  • Comprehensive

Our Comprehensive Car Insurance covers the fire, theft, loss, and damages to your car in an accident with another party. This policy also protects you when you are responsible for third-party bodily injury, death, or damages to their property.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Comprehensive Private Car policy.

  • Third Party Fire & Theft

Our Third Party Fire & Theft Insurance protects you when you are responsible for the injury or death of a third party, as well as any damage to their property. This policy also covers fire damage or theft of your own car.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Third Party Fire & Theft Private Car policy.

  • PrOmilej

PrOmilej offers all the benefits of our comprehensive plans for less. Based on how far you plan to drive, PrOmilej provides savings to keep both you and your wallet secure.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our PrOmilej policy.


  • Comprehensive

Our Comprehensive Motorcycle Insurance covers the fire, theft, loss, and damages to your motorcycle in an accident with another party. This policy also protects you when you are responsible for third-party bodily injury, death, or damages to their property.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Comprehensive Motorcycle policy.

  • Third Party

Our Third-Party Insurance helps cover the damage to a third parties’ vehicle or property in an accident. It also protects you when you are responsible for injury or death of the third party.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Third Party Motorcycle policy.     

Commercial Vehicle

  • Comprehensive

Our Comprehensive Insurance pays for the fire, theft, loss or damage to your vehicle when there is an accident with a third parties’ vehicle or property. This includes protecting you when you are responsible for the injury or death of the third party, and damage to their property.

  • Third Party

Our Third Party Insurance pays for the damage to third parties’ vehicle or property, when there is an accident, and protects you when you are responsible for the injury or death of the third party.

Credit Shortfall

  • Private Car

Our Credit Shortfall Insurance covers the difference between your insured sum or the market value of your car and your loan if it has been lost or stolen. This policy can be renewed yearly if your car is still under hire-purchase and insured under our comprehensive policy.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Credit Shortfall Private Car policy.

  • Motorcycle

Our Credit Shortfall Insurance covers the difference between your insured sum or the market value of your motorcycle and your loan if it has been lost or stolen. This policy can be renewed yearly if your motorcycle is still under hire-purchase and insured under our comprehensive policy.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Credit Shortfall Motorcycle policy.


All Risks

  • All Risks Insurance

Our All Risks Insurance will repair, replace or pay the ​amount for certain loss or damage due to accident or misfortune, within your premise, and based on what you have chosen

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusionsClick here for more information on our Burglary policy


  • Burglary Insurance

Our Burglary Insurance pays for the loss or damage to your property in the event of burglary.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusionsClick here for more information on our Burglary policy.


  • Contractors’ All Risk

Our Contractors’ All Risk Insurance covers any damages that might affect the insured property as well as any damages payable to third parties. This policy is specifically for civil engineering projects or works that are under construction.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Contractors’ All Risk (CAR) policy.

Erection All Risks

  • Erection All Risks

Our Erection All Risks Insurance is commonly bought by contractors when they have contract jobs for erection, installation, testing, and commissioning work for electromechanical equipment (e.g. turbines and boilers).

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Erection All Risk (EAR) policy.

Public Liability

  • Public Liability

Our Public Liability Insurance pays against the compensation and legal costs which you are legally responsible to pay in connection with your business.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Public Liability policy.


  • Boiler & Pressure Vessel

Our Boiler and Pressure Vessel Insurance provides cover against the explosion of any insured boiler or pressure vessel while working normally.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Boiler and Pressure Vessel policy.

  • Machinery Breakdown

Our Machinery Breakdown insurance policy covers any unforeseen damage or loss of the insured machine during both at work and rest, as well as during cleaning, inspection, over-hauling or removal to another position within the premises.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Machinery Breakdown policy.

  • Machinery Breakdown (Loss of Profit)

Our Machinery Loss of Profit Insurance covers the actual loss of gross profits sustained as a result of business interruption caused by damage indefinable under the Machinery Breakdown policy. All causes of loss covered by the basic Machinery Breakdown policy is also covered by this policy.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Machinery Breakdown (Loss of Profit) policy.

  • Electronic Equipment

Our Electronic Equipment Insurance provides coverage for your computers and other electronic equipment and it applies whether the items are at work or at rest or being dismantled for the purpose of cleaning, overhauling or being shifted within the premises. It covers three (3) sections which are material damage, data media cover and increased cost of working.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Electronic Equipment policy.


  • Marine Cargo

Our Marine Cargo Insurance covers the loss or damage to goods shipped by land, sea, or air from warehouse to warehouse.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Marine Cargo policy.

  • Marine Hull

Our Marine Hull Insurance covers the loss or damage to vessels and ships due to both aquatic and non-aquatic related risks.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Marine Hull policy.

  • Yacht & Pleasure Craft

Our Yacht & Pleasure Craft Insurance covers loss, damage costs or liabilities to the vessel and any attached property, as well as any personal accidents to the owner and their passengers.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Yacht & Pleasure Craft policy.


  • Workmen's Compensation

Our Workmen’s Compensation Insurance protects employers against any compensations to be paid under the Workmen’s Compensation Law(s) of Malaysia for any injuries to their employees through accidents or diseases.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Workmen’s Compensation policy.


  • Employer Liability

Our Employer’s Liability Insurance protects employers against the legal responsibility to compensate an employee for bodily injury, disease, or death due to the negligence of their employer.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Employer’s Liability policy.

Foreign Workers

  • Foreign Workers Hospitalisation and Surgical

Our Foreign Workers Hospitalisation and Surgical Insurance helps reduce your financial burden when your foreign workers are hospitalised due to accidents or illnesses. This product can only be purchased through MYEG.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Foreign Workers Hospitalisation and Surgical Scheme policy.

  • Foreign Workers Insurance Guarantee

The Foreign Worker Insurance Guarantee is a policy required by the Immigration Department (under Regulation 21) from you as a security deposit for the employment of foreign workers. This product can only be purchased through MYEG.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Foreign Workers Insurance Guarantee policy.


  • Company

Our Fire Insurance covers the loss or damage to your building or property when damaged by fire, lightning, or domestic explosions.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Fire Company policy.

Personal Accident

  • Personal Accident (PA 10 Plus)

Our Personal Accident (PA 10 Plus) covers you in the event of disablement and death by violent, accidental, or external means.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Personal Accident (PA 10 Plus) policy.

  • Personal Accident Continental Scheme

Our Personal Accidental Continental Scheme Insurance covers injury, disablement, and death by violent, accidental, or external means.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Personal Accident (Continental Scheme) policy.

  • Personal Accident Plus

Our personal Accident Plus Insurance covers injury, disablement, and death by violent, accidental, or external means.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Personal Accident Plus policy.

  • Personal Accident PLUS (A) / PLUS (C)

Our Personal Accident PLUS (A)/(C) Insurance covers permanent disablement and death from violent, accidental, or external means when driving a commercial vehicle or taxi.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Personal Accident PLUS (A) / Personal Accident PLUS (C) policy.

Passenger's Driver Plan (PDP)

  • Passenger’s Driver Plan (PDP)

Our Passenger’s Driver Plan (PDP) Insurance covers injury, disablement, and death by violent, accidental, or external means while driving or riding or boarding or alighting a motorcycle, private car, private van, taxi or commercial vehicle.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Passenger’s Driver Plan (PDP) policy.

Equipment and/or Machinery

  • Equipment

Our Equipment Insurance pays for the loss or damage to your movable equipment for contract works, factory and warehouse use.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Equipment policy.

  • Machinery and Equipment

Our Machinery and Equipment Insurance covers the loss or damage to your immobile equipment (e.g. computers and printers). Accessories and parts are not included unless the equipment has been stolen.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Machinery and Equipment policy.

  • Machinery All Risks

Machinery All Risks Insurance covers the loss or damage to your machinery based on their usage in the conditions specified.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Machinery All Risk policy.

Goods in Transit

  • Goods in Transit

Our Goods in Transit Insurance covers any loss or damage of to your property when in, on or being loaded and unloaded from a vehicle or temporary storage.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Goods in Transit policy.

Money in Transit

  • Money in Transit

Our Money in Transit Insurance covers loss of your money while in transit and in the premises.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Money in Transit policy.

Professional Indemnity

  • Professional Indemnity

Our Professional Indemnity Insurance covers any breach of professional responsibility such as negligence error or omission when providing a professional service.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Professional Indemnity policy.


  • PrOtravel

Our PrOtravel Insurance covers you when travelling overseas for any medical costs, accidents, travel delays and more.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our PrOtravel policy.

P&O Insurance offers a range of business insurance:​

All Risks

  • All Risks Insurance

Our All Risks Insurance will repair, replace or pay the ​amount for certain loss or damage due to accident or misfortune, within your premise, and based on what you have chosen.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusionsClick here for more information on our All Risks policy.


  • Burglary Insurance

Our Burglary Insurance pays for the loss or damage to your property in the event of burglary.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Burglary policy.


  • Contractors’ All Risk

Our Contractors’ All Risk Insurance covers any damages that might affect the insured property as well as any damages payable to third parties. This policy is specifically for civil engineering projects or works that are under construction.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Contractors’ All Risk (CAR) policy.

  • Erection All Risks

Our Erection All Risks Insurance is commonly bought by contractors when they have contract jobs for erection, installation, testing, and commissioning work for electromechanical equipment (e.g. turbines and boilers).

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Erection All Risk (EAR) policy.

Public Liability

  • Public Liability Insurance

Our Public Liability Insurance pays against the compensation and legal costs which you are legally responsible to pay in connection with your business.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Public Liability policy.


  • Boiler & Pressure Vessel

Our Boiler and Pressure Vessel Insurance provides cover against the explosion of any insured boiler or pressure vessel while working normally.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Boiler and Pressure Vessel policy.

  • Machinery Breakdown

Our Machinery Breakdown insurance policy covers any unforeseen damage or loss of the insured machine during both at work and rest, as well as during cleaning, inspection, over-hauling or removal to another position within the premises.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Machinery Breakdown policy.

  • Machinery Breakdown (Loss of Profit)

Our Machinery Loss of Profit Insurance covers the actual loss of gross profits sustained as a result of business interruption caused by damage indefinable under the Machinery Breakdown policy. All causes of loss covered by the basic Machinery Breakdown policy is also covered by this policy.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Machinery Breakdown (Loss of Profit) policy.

  • Electronic Equipment

Our Electronic Equipment Insurance provides coverage for your computers and other electronic equipment and it applies whether the items are at work or at rest or being dismantled for the purpose of cleaning, overhauling or being shifted within the premises. It covers three (3) sections which are material damage, data media cover and increased cost of working.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Electronic Equipment policy.


  • Marine Cargo

Our Marine Cargo Insurance covers the loss or damage to goods shipped by land, sea, or air from warehouse to warehouse.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Marine Cargo policy.

  • Marine Hull

Our Marine Hull Insurance covers the loss or damage to vessels and ships due to both aquatic and non-aquatic related risks.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Marine Hull policy.

  • Yacht & Pleasure Craft

Our Yacht & Pleasure Craft Insurance covers loss, damage costs or liabilities to the vessel and any attached property, as well as any personal accidents to the owner and their passengers.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Yacht & Pleasure Craft policy.


  • Workmen's Compensation

Our Workmen’s Compensation Insurance protects employers against any compensations to be paid under the Workmen’s Compensation Law(s) of Malaysia for any injuries to their employees through accidents or diseases.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Workmen’s Compensation policy.


  • Employer Liability

Our Employer’s Liability Insurance protects employers against the legal responsibility to compensate an employee for bodily injury, disease, or death due to the negligence of their employer.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Employer’s Liability policy.

Foreign Workers

  • Foreign Workers Hospitalisation and Surgical

Our Foreign Workers Hospitalisation and Surgical Insurance helps reduce your financial burden when your foreign workers are hospitalised due to accidents or illnesses. This product can only be purchased through MYEG.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Foreign Workers Hospitalisation and Surgical Scheme policy.

  • Foreign Workers Insurance Guarantee

The Foreign Worker Insurance Guarantee is a policy required by the Immigration Department (under Regulation 21) from you as a security deposit for the employment of foreign workers. This product can only be purchased through MYEG.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Foreign Workers Insurance Guarantee policy.


  • Company

Our Fire Insurance covers the loss or damage to your building or property when damaged by fire, lightning, or domestic explosions.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Fire Company policy.

Personal Accident

  • Personal Accident 10 PLUS

Our Personal Accident (PA 10 Plus) covers you in the event of disablement and death by violent, accidental, or external means.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Personal Accident Plus policy.

  • Personal Accident Continental Scheme

Our Personal Accidental Continental Scheme Insurance covers injury, disablement, and death by violent, accidental, or external means.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Personal Accident Plus policy.

  • Personal Accident PLUS

Our personal Accident Plus Insurance covers injury, disablement, and death by violent, accidental, or external means.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Personal Accident Plus policy.

  • Personal Accident PLUS (A) / PLUS (C)

Our Personal Accident PLUS (A)/(C) Insurance covers permanent disablement and death from violent, accidental, or external means when driving a commercial vehicle or taxi.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Personal Accident PLUS (A) / Personal Accident PLUS (C) policy.

Passenger's Driver Plan (PDP)

  • Passenger’s Driver Plan (PDP)

Our Passenger’s Driver Plan (PDP) Insurance covers injury, disablement, and death by violent, accidental, or external means while driving or riding or boarding or alighting a motorcycle, private car, private van, taxi or commercial vehicle.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Passenger’s Driver Plan (PDP) policy.

Equipment and/or Machinery

  • Equipment

Our Equipment Insurance pays for the loss or damage to your movable equipment for contract works, factory and warehouse use.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Equipment policy.

  • Machinery and Equipment

Our Machinery and Equipment Insurance covers the loss or damage to your immobile equipment (e.g. computers and printers). Accessories and parts are not included unless the equipment has been stolen.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Machinery and Equipment policy.

  • Machinery All Risks

Machinery All Risks Insurance covers the loss or damage to your machinery based on their usage in the conditions specified.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Machinery All Risk policy.

Goods in Transit

  • Goods in Transit

Our Goods in Transit Insurance covers any loss or damage of to your property when in, on or being loaded and unloaded from a vehicle or temporary storage.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Goods in Transit policy.

Money in Transit

  • Money in Transit

Our Money in Transit Insurance covers loss of your money while in transit and in the premises.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Money in Transit policy.

Professional Indemnity

  • Professional Indemnity

Our Professional Indemnity Insurance covers any breach of professional responsibility such as negligence error or omission when providing a professional service.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Professional Indemnity policy.


Delivering only the best to our customers, Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad (P&O Insurance) has been incorporated for almost 50 years since 7th August 1972 under the Companies Act 1965 as a private limited company.

We offer a full selection of benefits for you to enjoy; such as 10% cheaper premiums for direct customers, instant policy renewals and 24/7 Total Assist services. Have a look through our website and mobile app for more information- everything you need to know at your fingertips.

Our Comprehensive Car Insurance covers the fire, theft, loss, and damages to your car in an accident with another party. This policy also protects you when you are responsible for third-party bodily injury, death, or damages to their property.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Comprehensive Private Car policy.

Our Comprehensive Motorcycle Insurance covers the fire, theft, loss, and damages to your motorcycle in an accident with another party. This policy also protects you when you are responsible for third-party bodily injury, death, or damages to their property.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Comprehensive Motorcycle policy.

Our Third-Party Insurance helps cover the damage to a third parties’ vehicle or property in an accident. It also protects you when you are responsible for injury or death of the third party.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Third Party Motorcycle policy.     

Our Comprehensive Insurance pays for the fire, theft, loss or damage to your vehicle when there is an accident with a third parties’ vehicle or property. This includes protecting you when you are responsible for the injury or death of the third party, and damage to their property.

Our Third Party Insurance pays for the damage to third parties’ vehicle or property, when there is an accident, and protects you when you are responsible for the injury or death of the third party.

Credit Shortfall, also known as Gap Cover, is a stand-alone insurance policy that covers the difference between your current loan and the market value or the insured sum of your vehicle if it is lost or stolen. Simply put, this helps you cover the gap between what you have paid and what you owe your bank if you still have an outstanding loan.

This is only available if you have a comprehensive motor insurance policy with us, and your vehicle is still under hire-purchase.

This also includes Deposit Cover, an extra benefit that helps cover your deposit for a new vehicle. This is limited up to 10% of the insured sum of your vehicle with a maximum of RM10,000 for private car and RM2,500 for motorcycle.

For Credit Shortfall Private Car, click here.

For Credit Shortfall Motorcycle, click here.

Our Credit Shortfall Insurance covers the difference between your insured sum or the market value of your car and your loan if it has been lost or stolen. This policy can be renewed yearly if your car is still under hire-purchase and insured under our comprehensive policy.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Credit Shortfall Private Car policy.

Our Credit Shortfall Insurance covers the difference between your insured sum or the market value of your motorcycle and your loan if it has been lost or stolen. This policy can be renewed yearly if your motorcycle is still under hire-purchase and insured under our comprehensive policy.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Credit Shortfall Motorcycle policy.

Our All Risks Insurance will repair, replace or pay the ​amount for certain loss or damage due to accident or misfortune, within your premise, and based on what you have chosen.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusionsClick here for more information on our All Risks policy.

Our Burglary Insurance pays for the loss or damage to your property in the event of burglary.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Burglary policy.

Our Employer’s Liability Insurance protects employers against the legal responsibility to compensate an employee for bodily injury, disease, or death due to the negligence of their employer.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Employer’s Liability policy.

Our Contractors’ All Risk Insurance covers any damages that might affect the insured property as well as any damages payable to third parties. This policy is specifically for civil engineering projects or works that are under construction.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Contractors’ All Risk (CAR) policy.

Our Erection All Risks Insurance is commonly bought by contractors when they have contract jobs for erection, installation, testing, and commissioning work for electromechanical equipment (e.g. turbines and boilers).

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Erection All Risk (EAR) policy.

Our Public Liability Insurance pays against the compensation and legal costs which you are legally responsible to pay in connection with your business.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Public Liability policy.

Our Boiler and Pressure Vessel Insurance provides cover against the explosion of any insured boiler or pressure vessel while working normally.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Boiler and Pressure Vessel policy.

Our Machinery Loss of Profit Insurance covers the actual loss of gross profits sustained as a result of business interruption caused by damage indefinable under the Machinery Breakdown policy. All causes of loss covered by the basic Machinery Breakdown policy is also covered by this policy.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Machinery Breakdown (Loss of Profit) policy.

Our Machinery Breakdown insurance policy covers any unforeseen damage or loss of the insured machine during both at work and rest, as well as during cleaning, inspection, over-hauling or removal to another position within the premises.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Machinery Breakdown policy.

Our Electronic Equipment Insurance provides coverage for your computers and other electronic equipment and it applies whether the items are at work or at rest or being dismantled for the purpose of cleaning, overhauling or being shifted within the premises. It covers three (3) sections which are material damage, data media cover and increased cost of working.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Electronic Equipment policy.

Our Marine Hull Insurance covers the loss or damage to vessels and ships due to both aquatic and non-aquatic related risks.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Marine Hull policy.

Our Yacht & Pleasure Craft Insurance covers loss, damage costs or liabilities to the vessel and any attached property, as well as any personal accidents to the owner and their passengers.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Yacht & Pleasure Craft policy.

Our Workmen’s Compensation Insurance protects employers against any compensations to be paid under the Workmen’s Compensation Law(s) of Malaysia for any injuries to their employees through accidents or diseases.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Workmen’s Compensation policy.

Our Foreign Workers Hospitalisation and Surgical Insurance helps reduce your financial burden when your foreign workers are hospitalised due to accidents or illnesses. This product can only be purchased through MYEG.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Foreign Workers Hospitalisation and Surgical Scheme policy.

The Foreign Worker Insurance Guarantee is a policy required by the Immigration Department (under Regulation 21) from you as a security deposit for the employment of foreign workers. This product can only be purchased through MYEG.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Foreign Workers Insurance Guarantee policy.

Our Fire Insurance covers the loss or damage to your building or property when damaged by fire, lightning, or domestic explosions.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Fire Company policy.

Our Personal Accident (PA 10 Plus) covers you in the event of disablement and death by violent, accidental, or external means.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Personal Accident (PA 10 Plus) policy.

Our Personal Accidental Continental Scheme Insurance covers injury, disablement, and death by violent, accidental, or external means.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Personal Accident (Continental Scheme) policy.

Our personal Accident Plus Insurance covers injury, disablement, and death by violent, accidental, or external means.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Personal Accident Plus policy.

Our Personal Accident PLUS (A)/(C) Insurance covers permanent disablement and death from violent, accidental, or external means when driving a commercial vehicle or taxi.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Personal Accident PLUS (A) / Personal Accident PLUS (C) policy.

Our Passenger’s Driver Plan (PDP) Insurance covers injury, disablement, and death by violent, accidental, or external means while driving or riding or boarding or alighting a motorcycle, private car, private van, taxi or commercial vehicle.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Passenger’s Driver Plan (PDP) policy.

Our Equipment Insurance pays for the loss or damage to your movable equipment for contract works, factory and warehouse use.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Equipment policy.

Our Machinery and Equipment Insurance covers the loss or damage to your immobile equipment (e.g. computers and printers). Accessories and parts are not included unless the equipment has been stolen.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Machinery and Equipment policy.

Machinery All Risks Insurance covers the loss or damage to your machinery based on their usage in the conditions specified.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Machinery All Risk policy.

Our Goods in Transit Insurance covers any loss or damage of to your property when in, on or being loaded and unloaded from a vehicle or temporary storage.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Goods in Transit policy.

Our Money in Transit Insurance covers loss of your money while in transit and in the premises.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Money in Transit policy.

Our Professional Indemnity Insurance covers any breach of professional responsibility such as negligence error or omission when providing a professional service.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Professional Indemnity policy.

Our PrOtravel Insurance covers you when travelling overseas for any medical costs, accidents, travel delays and more.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our PrOtravel policy.

Our Comprehensive Insurance pays for the fire, theft, loss or damage to your car when there is an accident with a third parties’ vehicle or property. This includes protecting you when you are responsible for the injury or death of the third party, and damage to their property.

Our Third Party Fire & Theft Insurance pays for the damage to the third parties’ car or property when there is an accident, and protects you when you are responsible for the injury or death of the third party. It includes fire damage or theft of your car.

For more information about Private Car coverage and benefits, click here.

For more information about Motorcycle coverage and benefits, click here.

For more information about Business coverage and benefits, click here.

For more information about Other Insurance coverage and benefits, click here.

You should insure your vehicle based on its current market value when you apply for your motor insurance policy. This will be the “Sum Insured” of your vehicle in your motor policy.

The Sum Insured is the maximum amount a vehicle can be insured for according to its current market value. This decreases by 10% every year as the car depreciates or by the market price of the car.

If your vehicle is under-insured, you will be considered self-insured for the difference. For example, if your vehicle has been lost or damaged, you will only be partially compensated up to the Sum Insured you have chosen.

If you have over-insured your vehicle, you would have paid a higher but unnecessary premium. If your vehicle is over-insured when it was stolen and not found, we will settle your claim to cover the loss incurred up to the market value of your vehicle.

  • The engine and chassis number of the vehicle being insured.
  • The vehicle owner’s NRIC, passport number or business registration number.
  • The commencement and expiry dates of the policy.

Insurance premiums are based on risk characteristics. The higher the potential risk, the higher the premium and vice-versa. This is then followed by type, make, and model of the vehicle, considering the driver’s age, vehicle’s age and so on. Insurance premiums charged must also be sustainable for the insurer to pay their claims.

This covers you against any legal responsibility you have to your passengers in an accident from your negligent driving. This is required by law when you enter Singapore.

This covers the repair costs of your vehicle for damages caused by floods, typhoons, hurricanes, storms, tempests, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, and landslips.

This covers the repair costs to your vehicle for damages caused by strikes, riots, and civil commotion.

This covers the repair or replacement costs of your windscreen, windows, sunroof and tinted film from damages. The maximum amount payable for this claim is based on the cost of the repairs and replacements or the sum insured.

This covers the replacement of your radio or cassette in your vehicle.

This covers the repair costs of your trailer from damages.

This protects you against a third-party claim for damages from the negligence of your passengers (e.g. damage to another vehicle when your passenger(s) open the car door).

You should lodge a police report within 24 hours, then contact us at 1-800-88-2121 (Select Option 4) to inform us of the loss.

Yes, you do. However, you may be subject to an additional excess (Compulsory Excess) of RM400 if they are driving your car and are involved in an accident. This excess only applies if they:

  • Are under 21 years old.
  • Hold a Provisional (P) or Learner (L) driver’s license.

Mostly to eliminate minor and/or smaller claims. Too many small claims without an excess would increase premiums for customers and costs for insurance companies.

We also hope to encourage drivers to be safer on the roads by adding this charge.

If you are unable to pay the excess, your insurer may refuse your claim or deduct the amount from what they pay towards the repairs.

Yes, you still do. But you will only need to pay your basic excess.

No, you do not. Learner drivers are automatically covered provided the instructing driver meets your policy criteria.

Yes, they can. They will still be covered by your policy if they abide by the law.

No, they cannot. Unless they are listed on your policy, they cannot request for changes on your behalf, nor can we provide any information to them.

Your premium considers the various factors included in the costs of fixing your car when you make a claim. This also depends on whether the car should be repaired or replaced. While the value of most cars will decrease over time (lowering the replacement cost) these claims occur much less compared to accidental damage claims.

The cost of repairing your car after an accidental damage claim usually increases each year as the cost of parts, paint, and labour increase as well. As such, the same repair to the same car will probably cost more in the future years, even if the value of the car is reduced, and leads to an increased premium.

In addition, insurance premiums are based on risk characteristics where the higher the potential risk, the higher the premium and vice versa. Examples of these include the driver’s age, vehicle’s age, vehicle make and model.

If your vehicle has been blacklisted, please contact the Department of Road Transport (JPJ) to settle any outstanding fines/summons.

We have a few policies of insurance for workers such as Employer Liability, Workmen Compensation Policy and Foreign Workers Policy.

You can buy our Public Liability Insurance policy (PLI) that serves to protect your business from liabilities and claims made by members of the general public. While safety measures and precautions can be practiced, accidents can still occur. Getting a PLI policy ensures that you are well-protected and covered against these claims.

PLI is essential if you are running businesses that involve regular and frequent interactions with members of the public. Such establishments such as restaurants, businesses, and entertainment outlets benefit the most as they are also more likely to be subjected to claims.

It is recommended for businesses to get PLI coverage. By paying just the premium required to hold this coverage, you can enjoy protection against legal claims and liabilities that can be very costly. With PLI coverage, these compensation costs are relieved to offer you with a peace of mind.

Our Public Liability Insurance Policy covers the following during the Period of Indemnity, public damage, accidental death of or bodily injury to any person and accidental damage to property.

You should read through all the different policies and their coverages to find the best one for you. Each comes with their own set of cover and conditions, so you should make sure you have a clear idea of what each includes for the best fit.

Make sure your house is not underinsured as well. If you are, you may have to bear extra costs when making a claim.

Our hotline (1800-88-2121) for Total Assist is available 24/7:

Tele Insurance : Monday - Friday, 8:45am - 5:30pm
Claims Help Line : Monday - Friday, 8:45am – 5:30pm
Total Assist : 24-Hours

Alternatively, during office hours, our customer service can be reached via WhatsApp (message only, no call) at 019-325 3855:

Customer Service : Monday - Friday, 8:45am - 5:30pm

For iPhone users, please click here to download it from the App store.

For Android and other users, please click here to download it from the Google Play store.

Through our mobile app:

  • Click “Have an account?”.
  • Click “Forgot your password?” and fill in your email address.

Through our website:

  • Click “Login”.
  • Click “Forgot your password?” and fill in your email address.

A link will then be sent to your email where you can change your password.

Please contact our customer service at 1-800-88-2121. We are available Monday to Friday, between 8:45am to 5:30pm.

Yes, you can.

  • Go to our website
  • Click on “Get Quote Instantly” at the bottom right of the page.
  • Select your desired insurance product.
  • Enter your details and make the purchase.

We’re sorry, but no. Call us at 1-8000-88-2121 for assistance instead.

Tariffs are fixed price lists created under insurance acts to control the price of policies and policy wordings. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) oversees the applications of all Tariffs as the supervisory authority for all financial institutions.

This means that the price of motor insurance products that will no longer be based on the Motor Tariff. Instead, prices are determined by individual insurers and takaful operators, allowing customers to enjoy a wider choice of motor insurance products at more competitive prices.

Insurers and takaful operators can also charge premiums better suited to the individual buying them as well. With cover more reflective of the risk profile of their holders, insurers can create a better framework of policies going forward.

Effective 1 July 2017, under the liberalised environment, more risk factors will be considered in determining premiums. Other than the sum insured, cubic capacity of the vehicle engine, age of vehicle and age of driver, premiums may be driven by other factors. These factors could be safety and security features in the vehicle, duration that the vehicle is on the road, geographical location of the vehicle (in areas with higher incidents of theft) and traffic offences on record.

These factors will define the risk profile group of the policyholder which will determine the premium. As different insurers and takaful operators have different ways of defining the risk profile group, the price of a motor policy would differ from one insurer to another.

As Malaysia develops further, the insurance market is opening to allow a fairer approach towards charging premiums. A good risk should be rewarded and a bad risk recognized. This means that a good driver should pay less of a premium as compared to another driver more likely to experience accidents. There should also be incentives for perceived bad drivers to become better and be rewarded with a reduction for doing so.

First introduced on 1st July 2016, insurers and takaful operators were given the flexibility to offer new motor products and add-on covers that were not defined under the existing tariff. From 1st July 2017 onwards, premium rates for Motor Comprehensive; and Motor Third Party Fire and Theft products have been liberalised; premium pricing will be determined by individual insurers and takaful operators instead.

Premium rates for Motor Third Party products will continue to be subjected to tariff rates.

Some benefits include:

  • An improvement in the quality of service.
  • A wider range of products.
  • New features and add-ons for better coverage.
  • Premiums suited to you; lower premiums for low-risk groups and vice versa.
  • Incentives for safer driving habits.
  • More competitive pricing.

As a consumer, there is an expectation that there will be wider choices and options of motor and fire products available to purchase, and that the products will be more suited to the individual’s needs. For low risk groups, premiums are expected to be lower.

On the other hand, for high risk groups, premiums chargeable are expected to be higher but this can be moderated by risk reduction factors undertaken by the policyholders e.g. safer driving habits to reduce accidents, installation of car telematics or certified anti-theft devices for cars which help reduce theft.

Available at tariff prices, Motor Third Party insurance products are still available for motorcycles and commercial vehicles only.

The NCD structure will stay the same. You are still entitled to your NCD and can transfer from one insurer or takaful operator to another.

You should always check with your insurer, takaful operator or agent for new products and add-on cover. Shop around and make the best decision for yourself by getting quotations from different sources, whether through call centres or online.

You should focus on what the policy covers, excludes, and the insurer’s customer service standards. Check with different insurers, agents and takaful operators for the right kind of coverage for you.

Also ensure you do this before your current insurance policy expires. Your insurer should remind you of the expiry at least a month beforehand.

Yes. Driving behaviour and driving experience is considered in risk profiling in determining your premium.

This depends on your insurer. You should shop around for the motor insurance that suits you best.

New online distribution channels which are cost efficient would enable insurance protection to be purchased in a manner most convenient to the consumers. We anticipate that there will be developments in IT online platforms that will be able to provide consumers a quick comparison of prices with different features enabling them to make an informed decision.

Although consumers will be more empowered, they can still consult their insurance agent with whom they have been consulting previously to answer all their concerns on insurance.  They can also approach the companies directly and then make their own decision on the policy/cover they want to purchase.

New products to be offered will be determined by market forces. Insurers are now allowed to be more innovative and deliver better products to protect the consumers. Therefore, we can expect to see some interesting products in the market. The industry has been working very closely with the regulator on the preparations for liberalisation and this new transition has been well planned under the direction of BNM.

A risk profile is an analysis of whether a pool of consumers present a high or low risk, based on factors such as their driving habits, claims history and more. Insurance companies identify these and then create policies for customers based on this information.

With liberalisation, there are no more fixed rates based on the model, age or capacity of your vehicle. Instead, premiums are now charged based on the risk profile of the insured. As a result, premiums differ between companies.

Premiums will be impacted by the claims history and driving habits of the insured. However, the first phase of liberalisation covers Comprehensive and Third Party Fire and Theft cover, which are basically purchased by owners of private cars and other four wheeled vehicles. PIAM is committed to promote safe driving habits and all road users should consciously practice good driving habits, not just to enjoy lower premiums but also for their own safety.

The Phased Liberation of the Motor Tariff removes the existing tariffs in stages. With this, the insurance industry can offer motor products based on the risk profiles of their customers more smoothly.

The Phased Liberalisation of the motor tariff were implemented in a phased approach to allow time for consumers and industry to adjust to the new operating environment.

In the first phase, starting 1 July 2016, insurance/takaful companies progressively offered new products to the consumers at market rates. Existing Motor Third Party product and Motor Comprehensive and Motor Third Party Fire and Theft product will continue to be made available.

Starting 1 July 2017, premium/contribution rates for Motor Comprehensive and Motor Third Party Fire and Theft product will be liberalised. A more gradual upward adjustment similar in quantum to the adjustments of tariff made from 2012 to 2015 under the Framework will be made for some vehicle classes under Motor Third Party cover which remain substantially underpriced (for every ringgit of contribution received, insurance and takaful companies are paying between RM1.30 to RM3.00 in claims).

This is to avoid sharp upward premium/contribution rates adjustments if this class of coverage is immediately liberalised.

If you have an enquires or want further clarification, you can contact the following hotlines:

Pacific & Orient Insurance at 1-800-88-2121.

Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) at 03-2274-7399.

Malaysia Takaful Association (MTA) at 03-2031-8160.

Our Marine Cargo Insurance covers the loss or damage to goods shipped by land, sea, or air from warehouse to warehouse.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Marine Cargo policy.

Our Third Party Fire & Theft Insurance protects you when you are responsible for the injury or death of a third party, as well as any damage to their property. This policy also covers fire damage or theft of your own car.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Third Party Fire & Theft Private Car policy.

PrOmilej offers all the benefits of our comprehensive plans for less. Based on how far you plan to drive, PrOmilej provides savings to keep both you and your wallet secure.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our PrOmilej policy.

You can purchase PrOmilej by using our mobile application (POI2U), visiting our website or by calling our call centre.

Yes, however you should take note of whether it is cost efficient for your based on your existing insurers short term cancellation rates.

To submit a reading via our mobile app:

Step 1: Launch our mobile application, POI2U.

Step 2: Click “Click here” at the bottom of the page for access to more products.

Step 3: Click on the “PrOmilej” tile.

Step 4: Click “Submit Odometer Reading and Mileage”.

Step 5: Enter your vehicle’s registration number and your ID.

Step 6: Take a photo of your car’s odometer reading and enter your odometer mileage reading.

Step 7: Enter your email and other required details.

Step 8: Click “Submit”.

No. You must submit a photo of your odometer reading via our mobile application or online before you buy PrOmilej. Without this, we reserve the right to cancel your policy.

If you exceed the distance you’ve been given, don’t worry. An extra 500km is given to you before the end of your policy.

If you have exceeded both your allocated distance and the additional 500km, your vehicle will no longer be covered for any loss, damage or other optional benefits. However, third-party cover remains unaffected.

You should top-up your plan before you exceed your limit. This will ensure you and your vehicle are fully protected on the road.

You can buy a top up the same way you bought the policy- online, through our app, or simply calling us. It costs the difference between your current policy and the new one.

For example, if your current plan costs you RM500 and the next plan is RM800, you will only be charged RM300.

You can top up a maximum of two (2) times.

Additional 500km is provided to you if you exceed your allocated mileage before the end of your policy period.

If you have exceeded your allocated mileage and your Grace Mileage, and you have not topped up, you will only be covered for third party bodily injury or death and third party property damage but not loss or damage to your vehicle due to accident, fire or theft. (For PrOmilej policies issued after 19 March 2021, optional benefits listed above in 1. above will not be covered if you have exceeded the allocated mileage and Grace Mileage).

Once cover has started, you can top up to the next level of mileage available or to Full Mileage Cover by paying an additional premium. A maximum of 2 Top Up’s are allowed. If you top up for the second time, you can only top up to Full Mileage Cover.

No downgrade of the plan is allowed.

No, you cannot downgrade your plan. You will not receive a refund or be able to carry your unused mileage to a new plan either.

There are a few things you should keep in mind after buying our PrOmilej policy:

  • Provide an accurate odometer photo and reading at the start of, renewal and claim on your policy.
  • Make sure your odometer is always functional.
  • Check your odometer regularly to make sure your cover distance has not run out. Top up your plan if needed.

We will send you regular reminders to check your mileage as well, just in case.

There are currently 3 plans available:

Plan 1: 40% savings for annual mileage less than 5,000km.

Plan 2: 20% savings for annual mileage less than 10,000km.

Plan 3: 10% savings for annual mileage less than 15,000km.

You will save between 10% to 40% on your basic premium (inclusive of the premium for the optional benefits listed above, if applicable) depending on the PrOmilej Plan you choose.

Vehicles of up to 20 years can buy PrOmilej. This includes newly purchased vehicles as well.

There will not be any device installed on your vehicle to track on your mileage. You are only required to submit your current car mileage upon the purchase of the insurance. We will check on your mileage again in the event of a claim. We will also send you regular reminders to check on your own mileage.

Yes, you can. However, you should try to ensure you top up prior to exceeding the limits.

You can contact our staff at 1-800-88-2121 to resubmit your odometer photo one day before your insurance begins. We will then make the necessary changes.

Yes. You can buy the flood or windscreen cover at a premium that corresponds to your allocated mileage.

No, PrOmilej is for private cars only.

Yes, you do.

Yes, you do.

A Basic/Standard Excess is the amount you must bear for each claim we approve, even if the incident is not your fault. This does not apply for loss or damage caused by fire, explosion, lightning, burglary, housebreaking, theft, third party property damage or bodily injury claims.

A Compulsory Excess is an additional RM400 you must bear if you or the person driving the vehicle is either:

  • Under 21 years old.
  • Holds a Provisional (P) or Learner (L) driver’s licence.
  • Not in your policy as a named driver.

So, for example, if the claim payable is RM10,000 but your policy carries a basic excess of RM500, you would need to bear the first RM500 yourself while we pay the balance of RM9,500.

However, if the driver is below 21 years old, you would also need to bear the Compulsory Excess of RM400. As such, you would need to bear RM900 (500+400) and we will pay RM9,100.

Essentially, PrOrumah is a combination of both our Houseowner and Householder policies at 30% cheaper. It protects your house and/or its contents from loss or damage from various causes such as fire, lightning, theft and more.

Yes, you can.

Yes, but we recommend renewing with PrOrumah once your existing policy has expired.

You can purchase PrOrumah by using our mobile application (POI2U), visiting our website or by calling our call centre.

There are currently 3 plans available:

  • Building; protects your house.
  • Contents; protects your belongings.
  • Contents & Building; protects both your house and belongings.

What you pay for your PrOrumah insurance policy depends on the type of building and the sum insured that you select.

The minimum amount that you can pay for the premium is RM60.

Yes, you will be charged a stamp duty of RM10 and the standard Sales & Service Tax (SST) of 6% on your premium.

However, please note that you will have a 15% discount on your premium if you purchase PrOrumah through our POI2U app, website, call centre or counter.

Yes, there are a few. The major exclusions are:

  • War, civil war and any act of terrorism.
  • Radioactive and nuclear energy risks.
  • Date recognition.
  • Property damage to data or software.

Please note that this is not the full list of exclusions. Please refer to the policy contract for full terms and conditions.

Yes, you can. You should give us written notice that you want to. Once cancelled, you can get a refund of your premium paid which is based on us retaining the customary short-term premium or minimum premium.

No, there are none. You only need to pay for the final quotation amount.

We have provided a Sum Insured calculator for you to determine this in your quotation on the POI2U app or website screen.

This calculator will give you an estimate of your property’s value based on various information provided such as address, building type and property square feet size.

There are 3 plans available for the PrOrumah Contents Plan. You can choose one from any of these plans to determine the overall insured sum of your items.

Depending on the plan chosen, there is a defined sum insured allowable for each specific item as shown below:

A.     Normal items (excluding furniture, pianos, organs, household appliances, radios, television sets, video recorder sets and Hi-Fi equipment)

Contents Plan                   Maximum Sum Insured per Item

RM50,000 Plan                 RM2,500 per Item

RM100,000 Plan               RM5,000 per Item

RM200,000 Plan               RM10,000 per Item

B.     Platinum, gold and silver articles, jewellery and furs

Contents Plan                   Maximum Sum Insured per Item

RM50,000 Plan                 RM16,667 per Item

RM100,000 Plan               RM33,333 per Item

RM200,000 Plan               RM66,667 per Item

  The PrOrumah policy will be valid for one (1) year from your date of purchase.

There are four (4) additional coverages offered with PrOrumah, which you can choose from to add to your premium at an additional cost.

No. Additional Coverage PrOrumah Plan Offerings
1 Subsidence & Landslip All Cover property loss or damage due to subsidence of building site or landslip
2 Increase Limits of Liability to RM100,000 All In events where your legal liability is incurred, the limits has been increased to RM100,000
3 Extended Theft Cover Contents Only Extended coverage for theft to cover banks, safe deposit and any building where you or your family is residing
4 Plate Glass Damage Building Only Cover accidental breaking of plate glass
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